Philippians 3: 10-11 Part 1

Note: For the Summer we are reprinting some devotions that ran back when we were getting this site up and running. Hopefully this is new content to you, and we will get back into writing fresh devotions as our schedule allows.

10I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, 11and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead.

If I had to pick one verse as my favorite, out of the entire Bible, this one would probably be the one. I've preached more times on these two verses than any other, I've spent more time thinking about it, memorizing it, praying about what it means. This is a good verse. So what is Paul trying to say?

I want to know Christ! If you never learned anything else but poured your life into that one statement, I'm convinced you'd be okay. I want to truly know Him though, like Moses or Abraham did, because they talked with Him face to face, or like the disciples who followed Him around for 3 1/2 years (and the rest of their lives after that). I just want to know Christ!

Spend today thinking about ways to get to know your Savior better.


Part 2 coming tomorrow

About These Devotions

If you're reading this, it means that God has a plan for your life. But in order to figure out what it is, we've got to spend time listening to what He has to say. These devotions are meant to be an appetizer to get you interested in studying the Bible for yourself. They are a collection from the youth leadership of Reality Student Ministries. If you like them, subscribe either through RSS or e-mail in the sidebar, and then leave us a note and tell us what you thought.


