Matthew 5:3 The Beatitudes
- Posted: 1:34 PM
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- Author: Pastor Jeff Graham
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- Filed under: Beatitudes, Humility, Matthew, Service
3"Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
It's important to know what you don't know. In working with students, you meet a lot of people who are pretty sure they have life figured out. Of course, I'm not talking about YOU!!! But your friends and classmates have this problem where they think they know it all, don't they? As I'm getting older, I'm realizing more and more that there are gaps in my knowledge, and I'm okay with that. When Jesus talks about being poor in spirit, He's not saying that you have to be emo and cut yourself, but he is saying that you need to recognize your shortcomings, and make yourself lower than the person next to you. Remember when He said that the first would be last, and that in order to be the greatest in the kingdom you have to be the least? Find a way to serve someone today. And I'll throw this out for free, you don't need to look any further than your parents.
About These Devotions
If you're reading this, it means that God has a plan for your life. But in order to figure out what it is, we've got to spend time listening to what He has to say. These devotions are meant to be an appetizer to get you interested in studying the Bible for yourself. They are a collection from the youth leadership of Reality Student Ministries. If you like them, subscribe either through RSS or e-mail in the sidebar, and then leave us a note and tell us what you thought.